

I love hearing from my readers. 

Questions or comments – I want ’em. 

Email me: suburbleblog at gmail dot com.



  1. August 11, 2017
    Barbara Braverman

    Hi ! i have a small wood china cabinet that holds cups and saucers. I ’d love to give it a brand new look by hand painting and stenciling,but have never done any furniture painting ! We’re moving from the midwest to Florida, and i’d like to lighten it up and give it a new artsy personality.

    Any suggestions ???
    Barbara Braverman

  2. June 19, 2018

    I have a moses bowl rock bubbler. A rubber tube goes up the center of the rock.
    I need pliable putty that stays soft to put around the rubber tube and the hole in
    the rock. I need to seal around hole as water run down the hole vs flowing so
    water runs over the edge of the rock. Can you help me a product like this.
    Maybe they don’t make it any more.

  3. June 22, 2019
    Sidharth Pattnaik

    Hello Team, Hope you are doing great. I feel so curious to know your thought and help you to expand your website’s promotional to protect and creating massive traffic for your business growth. I have visited your website and found some factors where we need to focus on for a better campaign. Please find below some of the major areas:- – Key phrases selected for your site are not competitive enough to present you on first page. – On page and website issues are the major setback leading to non-performance on search engines. – Search based landing page relevance has been broadly ignored, leading to higher bounce rate. – Aggressive Social media promotion will help you to achieve brand visibility. We will take all the responsibilities in making the website performance grow faster and you can dedicate your time & energy on new businesses acquisition. This Email just provides you the glimpse of information, if you have any type of queries to discuss what latest technologies we have adopted and how it can significantly improve your online presence. Let me know your thought and if possible give me the best time to make further discussion. Kind Regards Sidharth | Sr Web Analyst ————————————————————————– PS I. If you are interested, then reply us “Send your Proposal and Price list” PS II. If you are not interested, then send “Remove or No”

  4. June 26, 2019
    Stinson Rachel


    I am Rachel Stinson from Progos Tech. I manage business relations but this is not a typical sales contact.

    I would like to show you some of the amazing results and ROI we achieved for one of our clients

    I can email the case study or discuss with you directly on call today.


    Rachel Stinson

  5. December 26, 2019
    Taren Caruso

    Looking for powerful online marketing that isn’t full of BS? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your promotional message to websites through their contact pages just like you’re reading this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just go with mass blasts to sites in any country you choose. So let’s say you want to blast an ad to all the web developers in the US, we’ll scrape websites for just those and post your ad text to them. Providing you’re advertising a product or service that’s relevant to that type of business then you’ll get an amazing response!

    Write a quick note to for details on how this works

  6. December 31, 2019
    Jeremiah Lefroy

    Looking for powerful online marketing that actually gets good results? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your ad message to sites via their contact forms just like you’re reading this ad right now. You can target by keyword or just do mass blasts to websites in the country of your choice. So let’s say you would like to push through a message to all the contractors in the USA, we’ll grab websites for only those and post your ad text to them. Providing you’re promoting some kind of offer that’s relevant to that niche then you’ll receive awesome results!

    Send an email to for the full details

  7. January 4, 2020
    Tyrell Mario

    Your website is nominated,
    for best photo of the year 2020 in catogory website.
    Our international jury has registered your website on the competition list, for more info go to

    Thank you.

  8. March 14, 2020
    Jaime Gatlin

    Need to find effective online marketing that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? Sorry to bug you on your contact form but actually that was the whole point. We can send your advertising copy to sites through their contact pages just like you’re reading this note right now. You can target by keyword or just go with mass blasts to sites in the country of your choice. So let’s say you want to push through an ad to all the mortgage brokers in the United States, we’ll grab websites for only those and post your ad message to them. As long as you’re promoting some kind of offer that’s relevant to that business category then you’ll be blessed with awesome results!

    Type up a quick note to to get info and prices

  9. April 22, 2020
    Karen Smith

    Hello there,

    We’re interested in advertising on your site.

    Could you please let me know what advertising options you offer?

    Thanks for your time.

    Karen Smith
    Content Ambassador

    +1 (601) 298-4431

  10. December 20, 2020
    Phyllis Carpentier

    Did you know contact form messages like these can actually be an excellent way to generate leads for your site? How exactly do we do this? Simple, we put together an ad like the one you’re reading right now for you and we mass post it to millions website contact pages on any website and in any business category or area you need. Do these types of ads work? Of course they do! You’re reading this now aren’t you? The best part is, you can do this for less than $3 a day! Want to get more info? drop us a line vie email here:

  11. March 8, 2021
    Max Henderson

    We’re interested in advertising on
    Can you please direct me to the best person to speak to about this?


  12. March 11, 2021

    Japanese Plant Mix Melts 1lb Of Fat Daily

  13. March 14, 2021

    How To Detect The Deadly Heart Attack Triggering Inflammatory Protein (Could Save Your Life)

  14. October 28, 2021

    Hi editor,
    We’ve got a customer willing to pay for a link in one of the existing posts in your blog.

    Are you interested?

    SheerSEO Sales Team

  15. December 7, 2023
    Peter Cutts


    I hope this message finds you well. Our company, a leading domain name registration service provider in China, is reaching out to safeguard your brand’s online presence.

    Today, we received an application from vitajoy bio tech co ltd to register as their internet keyword and China (CN) domain names. After thorough research, we discovered potential conflicts with your keywords, trademark, and the risk of affecting your organic search engine rankings.

    To protect your brand, we offer domain registration services at competitive prices:

    1 year: $15
    2 years: $25
    3 years: $30
    4 years: $35
    5 years: $40
    10 years: $100

    To proceed with the registration and secure your domain, kindly make the payment to any of the provided wallets. Once done, share the transaction code with us, and we’ll promptly complete the registration, providing you with the login details.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5

    Thank you for taking swift action to protect your brand online.

    Best regards,

    Peter Cutts
    6 Foreshore Road, Dianella, 6059, WA, Australia, (08) 9364 1501

  16. March 26, 2024
    Shanel Stiles


    My name is Shanel and I am a junior editor on our blog.

    We would be delighted to feature at

    Please let me know whether this is of interest to you.

    Kind regards

    28 Bridge Street Hs3 2pf Gobhaig United Kingdom

  17. April 9, 2024
    Hector Moowattin

    Dear Team at

    My name is Hector and I am a volunteer with Hope For Ukraine Charity. I have found you on Twitter

    After two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, at least 6 million people have fled Ukraine to escape the conflict and another 5 million people are internally displaced.

    Leaving behind their homes, jobs and loved ones, Ukrainians urgently need shelter, food and water. More than 17 million people, almost half the population, require humanitarian aid.

    Life for the people of Ukraine has completely changed. Fighting and indiscriminate bombing has killed families and destroyed houses, schools and hospitals. Millions in displacement centres and damaged homes face temperatures below -20C.

    An estimated 1.4 million houses have been damaged by the war, and it is mostly older people and people with disabilities who remain behind in homes with leaking roofs, broken windows and no access to heating.

    Your generous contributions to our Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal helped over 140,000 vulnerable women, men and children access vital aid including food, water, shelter and counselling support.

    Thanks to you, our local partners are helping people to rebuild their lives after experiencing trauma, losing loved ones, homes and livelihoods.

    We have also responded quickly through the Caritas network – which CAFOD is a member of – to provide shelter, food and safe spaces for families who have lost everything.

    The humanitarian professionals and volunteers working on your behalf live locally and are from the communities that you are supporting. Many have been displaced by the war themselves. They understand people’s specific needs: from food and water, to shelter and clothing, to medical, psychological, and spiritual support. No two people are the same, no two crises are the same.

    Thanks to your kind donations and support, we have delivered vital assistance to over 120,000 mothers, children and elderly people since the first months of the conflict. We are part of a Caritas response that has reached over 2 million refugees and internally-displaced people. By working together we are making a difference to the lives of those in greatest need.

    When the emergency needs of families affected by the Ukraine conflict have been met and international attention turns to other crises, we are committed to be there in the long-term, to ensure that the communities you are helping can rebuild and heal.

    How will my donation help?
    More than 17 million people, almost half the current population of Ukraine, are now in need of humanitarian aid. With your help, we can keep supporting the increasing number of families who are in desperate need.

    Your donation will help local experts in Ukraine to keep providing:

    – food, water, and hygiene items

    – shelter and clothing

    – healthcare

    – education

    – counselling and group therapy.

    Please show your support for Ukraine by donating to the below cryptocurrency wallet addresses. No donation is too small. All funds received will be used to buy humanitarian aid for the people of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are currently not accepting bank payments as we are looking for a new banking partner.

    Bitcoin: bc1q4206tlzgldnr3efu44hf9m6qm329ztzxhqfxdw
    Ethereum: 0xa74cce7805342F10df39B698342380f58bB709b5
    Solana: G9quVAfjmRsLfT9xpacoUp7rkFAvdYEd44kHLhzaFVRu

    I thank you for your support and making a difference.

    Kind regards

    Hector Moowattin
    phone: 292728857
    Address: 24 Warren Avenue, Balcolyn, 2264, NSW, Australia

  18. April 22, 2024
    Cloyd Concepcion

    I’m Cloyd, I have a small agency. We specialize in managing social media and website for businesses at a great price. For $45 a month, we handle your Facebook, Instagram and if you have website we can also write engaging blogs to increase organic traffic, ensuring your content is fresh and engaging with daily posts.

    What you get:

    – Full setup and daily updates on your social profiles.
    – Daily posts to keep your audience engaged.
    – Improved visibility and follower growth.
    – Monthly report

    Are you free for a quick chat this week to discuss how we can boost your social media? Please let me know a convenient time for you.

    Best Regards,
    Cloyd Concepcion

  19. April 27, 2024
    Betsy Bouldin

    Hi there admin!

    Are you looking for a site that coverage breaking news in multiple categories?!

    Thank You

  20. May 27, 2024
    Reece Cuming

    Hi admin!

    Looking for offers such as Rental cars and more?



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