It’s time for the latest installment of “Let’s Go Camping!” on Suburble, and this one is going to feature the highlights (and the lowlights) of our very first camping trip of this year. I know that I promised that the next post in the series would be a tour of my super-organized and completely efficient trailer set-up… but…well…. I’m still ironing out some of the wrinkles.
I think you can see what I mean. Our camping “footprint” was a bit larger than I anticipated. I promise to do a Trailer Tour soon, though. It’s coming along!
Colourful plastic litter aside, this is our trailer set-up. You may notice a lack of dirt and wildlife in this photo. This is because we went resort camping for our first trip. Resort camping is sometimes “poo-pooed” by the more traditional camping set, but to them, I say, “Pffttt… you poop in a hole in the ground, and I will flush. To each his own…”

“You want me to poop in a pit?!?!”
Resort camping isn’t the only way we camp – we stay in Provincial and State parks in both Canada and the US. Those sites, for the most part, are decidedly more woodsy than a resort-style campground. However, resort camping has its perks that cannot be denied. There are amenities like flush toilets and showers for people over 5’6″ (have you seen how tiny trailer shower stalls are?). Oftentimes, there are camp stores and restaurants. There are pools and kids’ programs. There are power and water hook-ups at each site (fab-u-lous, in my opinion!).
Some of the perks of this particular campground were:
The playground – it was a the perfect size for our 4-and-under set.
With sand that was perfect for digging and scooping. We camped with our friends, Callista and her family from A is for Apple, B is for Ball, C is for Cocktail
This campground was next to a working river – not suitable for frolicking near or swimming in.
There were walking trails, with lots of nice places to stop and take in the view.
I’m checking out another view here… studly Hubby.
The picnic table was something that we brought along (and it was worth the space in the trailer). The girls coloured and played with stickers together while escaping the hot afternoon sun. It’s pretty awesome to be doing art in the great outdoors.
However, some other things don’t always go as smoothly in the great outdoors. I mentioned in my previous Let’s Go Camping! post that sleep was a bit of an issue last year. Welllll…. I’d say it’s about 25% better this season. So all in all, I’d give it 45/100. An F. Sleep was definitely F ‘ed. Oh, I’m punny.
The girls are not accustomed to sleeping in the same space. I’m actually considering practicing this skill at home – impromptu slumber party, anyone? – in order to prepare for the next trip. Each kid had to be put to bed separately, and if that meant that one kid fought sleep in the trailer, then the other would be wide-eyed and enjoying the grown-up talk around the campfire until it was WAY past bedtime.
Lucy was also a particular breed of pain-in-the-neck when it came to wake-ups. One morning, she woke at 5:30 in the morning. Five thirty. Not awesome. I slipped into bed next to her and reminded her that it was still nighttime. She fell back asleep, but her dreams must have been about judo or cock-fighting or running an obstacle course. I was bruised and kinked by the time seven o’clock rolled around.
Despite the sleep issues that plagued us, Hubby and I could not deny how much fun the girls were having in the daytime. They stayed outside from morning to bedtime. They ran, screamed, leaped, jumped, and laughed all day long.
We played together. And there were less tantrums and arguments than any day cooped up in our house.
In place of that? A lot of fun.
The Suburble Family Maiden Voyage was all-in-all, a success. We’re working on planning our next trip, but for now, I’ve got to get to work on my Trailer Tour. I know that you’re dying to see where I stack my Corelle plates and how I organize dishcloths in a giant cabinet that has no shelves and no walls dividing it from the next six cabinets.
I’m serious. Who designs these units?
Don’t want to miss any of the next Let’s Go Camping! posts? Follow along!

Krista @thehappyhousie
Looks like an awesomely fun time despite the sleep issues… somehow you can make it through on less sleep when you are camping anyways… something about the great outdoors and fresh air?? I think there is a lot to be said for resort camping. Free wifi for example. But sometimes it is awesome to totally unplug and get away in the ‘woods’. Can’t wait to see how you manage to organize your trailer – that will be a feat and a half given their ridiculous proportions. Best of luck!!
It’s very true – for some reason, the sleep isn’t THAT important when you’re outside. Though, you’d think that the fresh air and running non-stop would tucker the kids out?!? It seemed to do the opposite, strangely.
Free wifi… cable… oh resort camping, you are pretty awesome. I won’t lie.
I can’t wait to see how the trailer comes together eventually, either. You’d think that there would be better built-in storage in a box-on-wheels meant to carry a pared-down version of an entire household’s contents. But sadly, there isn’t. The storage is hopelessly lacking – and kind of silly, when you think about it.
Fun Fun Fun, looks like a lovely place to camp.
Oh, it was lovely, Mel. I don’t ever turn my nose up at a good resort campground! 😉
Amy of while wearing heels
Oh what a fun glimpse into your first camping trip of the season. The girls look like they had so much fun. I can’t wait to see the tour AND I adore that picture of you and Lila playing mini golf 🙂
Oh thank you! (It’s actually little Lucy in that photo, but I only have myself to blame for name mix-ups as I was the one who thought “Let’s alliterate their names! It will never be a problem!”)
The girls did have a great time. They don’t care about sleep. They prefer to be awake for more hours. It’s just their mother that has a tiny problem with it.
I’m hoping that this trailer tour lives up to the anticipation I’ve created. Man… I’d better jazz it up a bit! 🙂
Looks wonderful. You could try pool noodles to designate their sleeping places. Sew them to a flat sheet. It will give them boundaries. Then have a camping routine with story and lights out. Some of the fun of camping are the whispers and giggles at bedtime. You are making me wish for those camping days of summer.
Donna – that’s a great idea! I’d never considered a pool noodle as a boundary maker!
I’m hoping that we can cultivate a routine that involves whispers and giggles instead of shrieks and running around the trailer (I am actually dealing with that kind of chaos!). But so much of the day is filled with fun and laughter that I can’t not camp. Operation Sleep More While Camping is in full effect around here. 🙂
You are such a brave soul! Glad you guys had fun, but it really sucks that sleep was so crappy! And I totally would go with the resort style camping as well – if I were a camping gal! Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
You watch out, Ms. Jenna – I have a sneaky suspicion that you may end up being a camping girl! These kids end up making the decision for us!
And yes, resort-style camping is pretty fabulous. I always enjoy myself!
Such a great trip, I look forward to going back next year for sure!