Sometimes, the very best thing about roasting marshmallows in the backyard
isn’t the marshmallows,
but is, instead, the people you’re with.
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
(Disclaimer: This mother takes no responsibility for the hairstyles depicted in these photos. It was a “getting-close-to-bedtime” thing. Why were we giving them sugar-pucks on sticks before bed? I don’t know. Weekends make people do crazy things.)
Follow along!

love this! so adorable! I hope y’all are enjoying your holiday! 🙂
<3 Bethany
Thank you so much, Bethany! We had a great weekend!
Krista @thehappyhousie
They are so cute!! We had a fire outside yesterday too and did hot dogs and marshmallows for lunch! (I will clarify that I also fed them veggies and watermelon:).
Thank you, Krista! Great minds must have been thinking alike! I would love some watermelon, but my kids won’t eat it.
I know… what!?!? They also won’t touch a hot dog. Or a hamburger. Or really any of those taboo foods that I would love to have in the summertime. Jeez louise.
Krista @thehappyhousie
PS your new bird logo is so cute… wow, changes!!
Oh, thank you! I know – it’s a totally different place now, isn’t it?
You are so lucky Tara! Not only do you have 2 cute little girls, but we have a fire ban in our city already….including backyard fire pits! Have a great week! Angie xo
You already have a fire ban!?!? Say what!?!? You’re in Edmonton, right? I am gobsmacked. Usually we make it to July before our fires get squashed.
And we can typically squeak by with the “ban-busters” – our propane fire pit. Those aren’t allowed either?
Jen @ Girl in the Garage
LOL! Looks like fun… And happy memories. 😉
I swear – this fire pit has become the ultimate bribe in our house! If we want the girls in their jammies within two seconds, all we have to do is say, “Let’s have a pyjama party around the fire!” Works like a charm!
Carol Cook
We had fires in the fire pit 2 of the 3 nights of the Memorial Day weekend, but alas, we did not toast marshmallows. I kept thinking it would be nice, but not on the hips.
Your daughters looked like they were having a great time.
Oh, when it comes to marshmallows (well, s’mores are my favourite), I cannot resist! Good for you for exercising willpower. Sadly, I have none. 😉
We did have a lovely time – aren’t fires such a lovely way to sit and chat together?
Oh my word – they are so flippin adorable!! And their hair – you should have seen my kids yesterday after she got sunscreen ALL in it!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
Oooh… that’s a tough one. Sunscreen makes hair SUPER attractive, and not at all grease-ball chic. 😉
Linda @ it all started with paint
LOL! They are too cute — regardless of their hair. Which look way better than my daughter’s ever looked at their age …
🙂 Linda
I don’t know – this is pretty wild hair that we’ve got going on. I always braid Lucy’s hair before we go out. Her hair looks like she was a boy in Shakespearean times!
What a lovely post. Your girls are so adorable. Those faces are just too precious.